• California Competition Works - CCW 4 or 6 ROUND 12 GAUGE SHOT SHELL STRIPPER QUICK RELEASE CARTRIDGE CADDY Spring Belt Clip Sytle


    There are only 3 items left in stock.
    There is only 1 item left in stock.

    Holds Spare Ammo For Fumble-Free Reloads (and even holds an M4 magazine when caddy is empty!)

    Provides controlled carry of four or six, 3", 12 gauge shells for fast, fumble-free reloads. 

    Clips to belt or any thin surface with heavy duty 2" wide metal spring belt clip, allows spare rounds to be grasped without fumbling or dropping; reduces reload times. Spacers adapt for shorter rounds.

    Can also be attached to any flat surface up to 5mm 

    tac-4 holds 4 rds 12ga or 5 rds 20ga 
    tac-6 holds 6 12ga 7 20ga horizontaly on belt, allows shooter to grab as many as he/she is able to manipulate per reload.
    This carrier will also hold an M-4/M-16 magazine as well as the 4 or 6 rd tac stripper
